Financial literacy
4 min readJun 2, 2022

You don’t want a better job, you don’t want a better salary, you don’t want more free time, you don’t want to retire as soon as possible. YOU WANT FREEDOM!

You want the freedom to be able to say no, you want random days off, you want to put your phone away, you want to go for walks with your dog, you want to play with your kids whenever you feel like it.

In the world we live in, this type of freedom can be achieved with financial success. The condition for achieving financial freedom is financial literacy.

A person can be highly educated, professionally successful, and financially illiterate at the same time.

You have often heard that to get involved in such a space as crypto space, you have to be brave. In my opinion, that’s the first big obstacle already. It’s a negative mindset and self-doubt. Those are two primary obstacles to success. More than anything it’s important to take action. We are witnessing the biggest money/wealth transfer in human history. It’s happening in front of our eyes. And you can easily be part of it. All you need is a smartphone.

When I first got in touch with cryptocurrencies, I realized that I am financially illiterate. And shortly after, I realized that majority of people are financially illiterate, regardless of their status or education. And probably dear reader, you could also be in the same bucket. That’s because you are living in a rigged system.

Schools, universities, and other institutions are part of that system, and the system is designed to fit a wealthy few. The system is telling you — to find a regular job, work hard for 50 years and you will eventually be financially secured. The truth is — learn on your own — take calculated risks, invest smart and you will be secure. For example — the system never told you what passive income is.

The definition of financial freedom is simple; You have achieved financial freedom when your monthly passive income exceeds monthly costs for living. How to achieve the passive income you are asking yourself? Here come investments into play.

I studied all kinds of assets; bonds, stocks, funds, real estate, crypto, etc. Conclusion; there are no comparisons in what crypto investments and especially Defi — decentralized finance, can give you in that sense (in the next posts you will learn more about passive income from crypto). One of the main reasons that decentralized finance is so big a threat to banks is passive income! And people will soon realize that. For now only the ones who search for themselves and learn on the way realize that.

One of the basic points of financial literacy is also the realization that savers are losers. You work from 9–5, get a salary, take part of it on a saving account, and in the end, you realize you have nothing. With inflation, you have less actually.

Cause all fiat currencies; euro, US dollar, British pound, Turkish lira, Venezuelan bolivar, etc are garbage. They are not backed by any commodity and are artificially printed whenever a few people decide to. You don’t decide anything here, no matter your status or education. You don’t decide what’s happening with your money. You don’t even know — the system doesn’t tell you. You are good sheep inside the fence.

Another big point in financial literacy is understanding the differences between liabilities and assets. An asset puts money in your pocket. A liability takes money out of your pocket.

There are many new words written above and the theme is sensitive for some, cause their hard-earned money is involved. But it is what it is. The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they manage fear.

I am trying to show you the first steps to financial literacy. Banks/systems are trying to rob you! And all so-called financial advisors are just sellers! They do sell you. They exploit your financial literacy lack of knowledge and ignorance and sell you their product.

My path to financial literacy started with books. I read books from many authors; from Indians, Europeans to Americans, etc.

Let me give you a huge shortcut; one of the most important and probably the only books for starting your path to financial literacy is a masterpiece from Robert Kiyosaki — Rich dad poor dad.



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